Maintenance and Repair of Handbells or MelodyChimes
If you have one or a few bells or chimes that are giving you problems, or if somethingʼs broken and in need of repair, I can help you directly from Ringmaster Services. Donʼt just send me the work, please contact me first so we can discuss whatʼs to be done. I have a complete stock of repair parts and can quickly turn around almost any job requiring repair. (If you need to replace a handbell casting or a MelodyChime, that might entail a delay while we obtain the replacement. In that case, I might refer your job directly to the factory. Also, if you have a problem requiring a warranty replacement, Iʼll refer that to the factory, also.
If you have a maintenance or repair issue that can best be done by me, I should be able to turn that around for you in one business day plus shipping time (unless Iʼm away from the shop.) When you contact me and describe the problem, I can probably give you a close estimate of what the cost of the parts and work will be.